[ChooooZ?!] What is your choice?
Who is prettier? Which is better to buy? Which is better to eat?
These questions are often raised in our lifetime and sometimes they trigger serious arguments within our family or among friends because of their different choices.
Now, leave your questions and the difficulties in getting best answer to the hands of Chooooze.
You can obtain clear answers resulted from the choices made by people with same questions and difficulties as yours.
And the [choice] made by you while joining the game will decide the winner.
1. Sample Questions for Practical Use
A. Who is your most favorite idol star?
B. What do you want to buy among the lately-released smartphones?
C. What is good for lunch?
2. Description of Menu
A. Poll Zone
(1) Category
You can see the questions as categorized as you want to.
(2) Poll List
This is where you can find all the posted questions. You can check all the questions both which are being answered and in respect of which the results have been displayed. If there is a question you want to answer, move to the ‘View’ that you want to see with pressing the ‘Choice’ and then you can make a choice among the answers to the questions.
In addition, you can leave your comment on the questions and answers.
(3) Category Search
If you want to know whether a specific question is posted, use the function of ‘Search’.
You can easily find a question you want to know about.
Can’t find it? Then you will be the first one posting the question.
(4) Post
This is where you can post questions.
You can set out category, contents, uploading of photos and proceeding period with respect to your own question.
Sample questions are provided so that you may not suffer difficulties to put into questions.
It is easy to upload photos as we provide you with a function to search images on Google.
(5) Sorting
You can see all the questions sorted by popularity or posting time.
B. My Page
You can see the questions posted by you or the questions to which you have given the answers.
C. Profile
You can set out the photos and nickname displayed to other users.
In addition, a list of the questions posted by you is provided.
D. Setting
(1) Alert Setting
(2) Facebook Connectivity Setting
(3) Notification
(4) Terms and Conditions
3. Description of Functions
A. Main function 1. Do you want to know about it? Use our ask-a-question function.
This is the most essential function of Chooooz.
If you want to know about something, then ask a question at any time, without hesitation, without delay.
B. Main function 2. Get the result of the game by using push function.
When you join the game, you must know the result.
Anyone who participated in the game will be notified by ‘push’ of its result after the cut-off time (You may see on ‘My Page’ the result of the game in respect of which you asked a question or which you joined.)
C. Main Function 3. Find suitable images by using search function.
When you can’t find photos suited to a question you want ask, it will probably be bothering you.
So we provide the function you can search image suitable to your question.
You can upload the images directly after searching the image you want to pick up or compare with.
As the developers of Chooooz, we try to listen to your every single word at all times.
We make efforts to reflect to Chooooz your opinions as much as we can. So it would be appreciated if you post a writing on ‘Review’ about the function you wish for or any action you want us to take for improvement or any other opinions for Chooooz.